Albuquerque Academy

Vincent Cordova Summer Scholars Program

Application for Summer 2025

The Vincent Cordova Summer Scholars Program at Albuquerque Academy, formerly known as the Multicultural Summer Honors Program, is a tuition-free, six-week summer honors program for academically talented and motivated students. Students currently in the fourth grade may apply. The 2025 Summer Scholars Program begins on Monday, June 9, and ends on Friday, July 18, with an in-person orientation for families on Sunday, June 8, 2025. Summer Scholars classes meet Monday through Friday from 8:10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for the six-week program period.

The Vincent Cordova Summer Scholars Program is a competitive scholarship program, and applicants are evaluated based on academic performance, character ratings, teacher recommendation(s), and the applicant's essays. 

The total value of the program is approximately $1,500 per student. We recognize that families may need full-day care options for their children. To help address this, families may opt to enroll their child in any combination of the following Think Summer program components: , before care starting at 7:30 a.m., afternoon programming until 3:30 p.m., and aftercare until 5:00 p.m.. To provide accessibility for families, we will offer need-based scholarships for these additional components. 

Applications are due by Friday, January 24, 2025.

Please contact Peter Gloyd, Program Director, if you have questions or need any assistance in completing the form.

Student Information

Student Gender *
Student Race *
Student Ethnicity *

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Program Hours & Dates

Sample Schedule:
Summer Scholars are required to attend the first five periods, from 8:10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., for the duration of the summer program from June 9 through July 18, 2025.
Additional Think Summer Programming Options
Families may opt to enroll in and pay for additional Think Summer programming, including before care, 6th period, 7th period, and/or after care. You may also apply for a need-based scholarship for this additional programming.
Please check the box(es) of the optional summer program component(s) that interest your family. If your child is selected as a scholar, you will be emailed additional instructions for the items you check. *
To apply for a need-based scholarship for additional summer programming, please click on the link below and complete the application by January 24, 2025. This is a separate application that will go directly to Emily Kienzle, Director of Tuition Assistance, and will not be considered in the Summer Scholars admissions process. Questions? Contact Emily Kienzle at 505-828-3352 or
Vincent Cordova Summer Scholars Program Need-Based Scholarship for Additional Summer Programming Application:

Household Information

What is your total household income? *

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) with whom student lives at the above address:

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

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Current School Information

Teacher Recommendation(s)

Please list your teacher's contact information below. When you submit this application, your teacher will receive an automated email request to complete a recommendation form.

Current Classroom Teacher

If you have another teacher(s) in addition to your classroom teacher, please list them below (optional). When you submit this application, your teacher will receive an automated email request to complete a recommendation form.

Gifted Mathematics Teacher

Gifted Language Arts Teacher

Other Teacher

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Student Written Responses

All student work must be submitted in the student's own handwriting.

Student Academic Documents

How did you hear about our Multicultural Summer Honors Program?
Select all that apply. *
If any aspects of this application are inaccessible for you or your child to complete and present their best self, we would like to support you. Please contact Peter Gloyd, Program Director.

Student's Agreement: I certify that the student written responses are my work. If admitted, I agree to attend and fully participate in all aspects of the entire six-week program.

Student's Signature *

Parent’s Agreement: I have read this application thoroughly and understand the terms and conditions outlined herein. I certify that all of the information I have provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. If my child accepts a Vincent Cordova Summer Scholars Program scholarship, I will ensure that my student has transportation to Albuquerque Academy and will attend and fully participate in all aspects of the entire six-week program: June 9 to July 18, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. If other obligations (e.g., a family vacation, visit to a non-custodial parent, enrollment in an athletics camp or other program) interfere with my child's attendance, I agree to notify the Think Academy Programs office before the program begins so that they may offer my child's scholarship (a $1500 value) to another qualified applicant.

Parent's Signature *

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