Candiate Nomination Form for the WMSPS Hall of Fame
Select one and only one nomination category: *
Nominee's Information
Nominator's Information
List 3 references who are acquainted with the Nominess's accomplishments:
Write a summary of the nominee's achievements, recognitions, awards, honors, etc. during his or her involvement with slow pitch softball.  A detailed list of tournaments in which the nominee has played and a detailed list of awards is not required nor desired.  Explain why in 300 words of less nominee should be recognized by the WMSPS Hall of Fame.  
0/300 words
BEFORE YOU CLICK THE "DONE" BUTTON BELOW,  make sure ALL of  your data is entered in its final form on the form and you have printed it and/or saved as a .pdf file [instructions for both below].  Once the "DONE" button is clicked, your form will disappear and cannot be retrieved.  


Right click anywhere in the YELLOW BACKGROUND on the form and choose Print.  When the print dialog appears, look at the Printer Destination choices....Skip to step 2 if all you want is a copy of the form.

  1.           To save your form as a .pdf file (electronic version of your form) choose  "Save as .pdf" or "Adobe pdf" as your  Printer.  You will be prompted for the location to save the .pdf file which can be emailed as an attachment. 
  2.           To print a copy of the form (blank or filled in), choose the name of your printer as the Destination. 


Select the “Send To” icon [rectangle with up arrow] and select the “Open in Safari” option.  Skip to step 2 if all you want is a copy of the form.

  1.  To save the form as a .pdf file (electronic version of your file), choose the “…” option and then select “Save on icloud” and then this file can beattached to an email.
  1.  To print a copy of the form (blank or filled in), select the “Print” option on the option bar.
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