Satellite Event Host Application

Apply to host a satellite event

You have the option to host a satellite event to this conference at your own university. A satellite event is intended to serve as an in-person gathering to this otherwise virtual event. It’s an opportunity to gather peers interested in the conference themes, and enjoy the sessions together. 


  1. A venue (at least 3-4 classrooms) for 10-30 participants for at least one day;
  2. A good internet connection as well as video screening capabilities;
  3. A volunteer willing to serve as organizer (must be registered on YSI); and
  4. Letter of support from the hosting institution (e.g. your university).

YSI can provide financial support for a satellite event up to maximum of $1000.00. However, YSI cannot cover administrative expenses, wages, or travel stipends. Support may be requested for categories such as the below:

  1. Catering (incl. coffee break and lunch);
  2. Internet stipend; and
  3. Local ground transport (shuttles).

To apply to host a satellite event, submit this form by 22 April 2024.
If selected, funds would be disbursed by YSI by 20 May 2024.

For more information regarding the satellite events contact: 

Main Organizer Information

Venue information

Do you have a letter of support from your Host University? *



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