Association for Evolutionary Economics South American Conference

Application Form: Association for Evolutionary Economics South American Conference

The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) South American Conference is a 3-day conference hosted by the Federal University of Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil), taking place on the 22nd-24th May 2024. The conference will take place in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, and will be organized by the Graduate Program in Economic Development (PPGDE) and Postgraduate Program in Public Policy (4P) of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil, in partnership with the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE), the Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB), and the EINST group, which organized the first institutionalist conference in Brazil. The Brazilian Minister of Education and the Young Scholars Initiative will partly sponsor the conference.
The conference theme is “*Understanding economic challenges from original institutionalist and post Keynesian perspectives*”. We envision three sub-themes: 
(1) the use of Original institutionalism and post Keynesianism as lenses to understand South American economic and social issues;
(2) possible cross-fertilizations between original institutionalism and post Keynesianism from a historical and/or methodological view;
(3) diversifying original institutionalism and post Keynesianism from the perspective of identity, gender, and location. 
The conference, which will be the first AFEE conference in Latin America, aims at offering a space for fruitful debates around original institutionalism and post Keynesianism. The expected outcomes are (1) *identifying a South American group interested in original institutionalism*; and (2) *motivating a cross-fertilization between original institutionalism and post Keynesianism*. 
The conference consists in a combination of workshops, paper sessions, and keynote lectures delivered by international institutionalist and post Keynesian scholars. The conference is directed to graduate students in economics and related areas and will be conducted by mentors with experience in the field. Further, the papers approved for participation in the event will receive comments from the audience and senior scholars.
The conference will be free of charge. Selected young scholars will be partly founded (travel stipends and housing accommodation) to attending the conference. Academics who do not qualify as early-career scholars (normally, 5 years after their PhD completion) are also welcomed and encouraged to apply, but without support from the conference. 
***Application Process***
Submission of extended abstract (maximum of 1,000 words) will be open from mid-November 2023 by January 2024.
Institutional affiliation *
In the case of a young scholar (if accepted), will you need financial support for travel tickets and accommodation? *
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AFEE South American Conference