Call for Presentations
2024 CAS China Insurance Summit
Event Date: September 6, 2024
Location: Hangzhou, China
Submission Deadline: July 6, 2024

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) invites you to be a part of the upcoming 2024 China Insurance Summit taking place in Hangzhou on September 6, 2024. This will be a hybrid event, with participants joining from all over the world. We welcome your proposals for presentations that are engaging and educational. In-person presentations are preferred, but virtual sessions may also be considered.


The following are some suggested session topics, but presentations on other relevant topics are also welcome.

  • AI related issues
  • EV related issue
  • C-Ross/Solvency
  • Reinsurance/CAT risks
  • Climate change
  • IFRS 17


The proposed sessions should be 30 minutes total with at least 10 minutes reserved for participant Q&A.

Note: The China Summit Planning Committee reserves the right to reject all proposed submissions if no acceptable proposals are received.

Please complete for the primary presenter and contact for this proposal. *
 Presenter 1
Designation (ACAS, FCAS, other, NA)
Work Title
Are you able to present in person on September 6, 2024?
Will language would you present in (Chinese or English)?
Please complete for any co-presenter for this proposal.
 Presenter 2
Designation (ACAS, FCAS, other, NA)
Work Title
Are you able to present in person on September 6, 2024?
Will language would you present in (Chinese or English)?
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