Webinar Working Group - Call for Presentations
First Name
Last Name
Job Title/Occupation
Email Address
Webinar Title
Months Available to Present
Comments on availability (if any):
Webinar description
0/150 words
Instructors (Name, Company, Email, Bio)
All Instructors must complete the CAS Terms of Speaking:
Please upload a headshot of each speaker.
Max 10 files can be uploaded to this field.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Target Audience (select all that apply)
All CAS Members
Accounting/Financial Reporting
Data Management
Enterprise Risk Management
Executive Management
Expert Witness
Management of Actuarial Unit
Planning - Strategic and Financial
Predictive Modeling
Product Development
Programming/Software Development
Risk and Capital Management
Learning Objective 1: After this session, participants will be able to... [Capitalize first word... verb... e.g. Process, Examine, Provide]
Learning Objective 2: After this session, participants will be able to... [Capitalize first word... verb... e.g. Process, Examine, Provide]
Learning Objective 3: After this session, participants will be able to... [Capitalize first word... verb... e.g. Process, Examine, Provide]
May the presentation be recorded and offered on UCAS?
May the presentation be shared with registrants in a PDF format?
Webinar PPT Guidelines
• Use PowerPoint 2007 or later to create your slides
• Save as a .PPT or .PPTX file
• Select On-Screen Show (4:3) or On-Screen Show (16:9) as the Page Setup
• Do not use timed animations
• Do not set a password on your file
• Do not link to external images or spreadsheets
• Do not use tables created from versions of Excel older than Excel 2007
• Do not use read-only fonts
• Embed any custom fonts
• Do not embed audio or video clips within the presentation
• Do not use fading or transitional backgrounds
• Use PowerPoint's standard animations instead of custom ones
is installed on all presenter laptops *
Yes, I understand the guidelines.
ADA Compliance Requirements
* Use a minimum 22-size font
* Use text with sans serif font styles such as Arial, Helvetica, Verdana
* Use a minimum of 4.5:1 contrast (black and white is 21:1, for reference).
* Use alternative text descriptions for all images.
Yes, I understand the requirements.
Please choose three tags from the CAS Capability Model that best apply to your session.
Please select
Content Areas, Skills, or Traits below that participants will gain from attending your session. (One selection per learning objective).
C:PC:L1: Industry operations, including how the actuarial function influences processes and regulations applicable to one’s practice.
C:PC:L2: The property and casualty industry environment, including laws and regulations applicable to practice, as well as any imminent changes that may impact practice.
C:PC:L3: Emerging trends in the industry relevant to one’s practice area and role and demonstrate thought leadership in predicting the impact of these emerging trends.
C:MM:L1: How foundational mathematics are part of the actuarial process and how to build, operate, and validate a mathematical model.
C:MM:L2: Model design and selection to replicate a real-world process, evaluate model inputs, and interpret results.
C:MM:L3: Design and selection of a dynamic, real time or production model.
C:FI:L1: Common financial reports, accounting principles, and investment instruments.
C:FI:L2: The connections between various financial reports.
C:FI:L3: How internal and external changes impact finance principles, instruments, and reports.
C:FE:L1: The primary functions in the actuarial profession, including ratemaking, reserving, and reinsurance.
C:FE:L2: Proficiency in one functional area; basic understanding of interactions across all other areas.
C:FE:L3: Expertise in at least one functional area by developing new findings, issuing new research, or finding new applications of the area.
C:RM:L1: The sources of risk in accordance with prescribed risk management procedures.
C:RM:L2: The skills to assess the risk tolerance of stakeholders, monitor key risk drivers, evaluate potential stresses and potential emerging risks, and develop contingency plans.
C:RM:L3: The skills to oversee a risk management framework, facilitate setting of risk tolerance, and monitor internal and external environment for potential changes to the risk treatment approach.
C:AS:L1: How to comply with the professional standards for actuaries in the property and casualty insurance industry.
C:AS:L2: How to coach others on applicable actuarial standards and provide guidance.
C:AS:L3: How to contribute to the actuarial standards and guidance.
S:CT:L1: Reasons through a problem or situation by identifying the important parts and collecting information to inform decision making.
S:CT:L2: Evaluates problems by identifying stakeholder requirements, proposing criteria for decision making, evaluating options against proposed criteria, presenting a solution, and managing an iterative process based on feedback.
S:CT:L3: Designs innovative solutions to solve complex problems and deliver results.
S:DA:L1: Reviews and evaluates data (e.g., data cleaning, confirm integrity), manipulates data through aggregation and exploration, and documents findings.
S:DA:L2: Uses advanced data visualization and statistical tools, programming, and machine learning tools to anticipate and address competing explanations, validate results, and provide insights.
S:DA:L3: Works with complex data, across data sources, sets data governance standards, and provides business critical insights.
S:BT:L1: Communicates technical information to a variety of audiences by selecting an appropriate communication method and composing a clear and well-structured presentation of information.
S:BT:L2: Adapts one’s communication style to the audience, presents complex data clearly, appropriately summarizes key messages and their impact, and evaluates the effectiveness of communication.
S:BT:L3: Provides leadership by driving conversations, addressing conflict constructively, and building consensus among and influencing stakeholders.
S:PR:L1: Performs work in accordance with professional code of conduct.
S:PR:L2: Highlights potential conflict of interest or unethical/improper action and seeks resolution.
S:PR:L3: Acts as a role model by promoting high standard and seeks to advance the profession’s reputation for ethical conduct.
S:BA:L1: Applies knowledge of the insurance products within which one’s employer operates.
S:BA:L2: Influences business stakeholders through use of advanced knowledge of insurance products and the market.
S:BA:L3: Understands and explains the business implications of decisions and strives to improve organization performance.
S:LT:L1: Uses standardized technology (e.g., SQL, spreadsheets, BI tools, data in csv/txt format) to solve rote tasks within the actuary’s area of practice.
S:LT:L2: Uses latest technology (e.g., cloud-based platforms, Python/R, version control, containers, Continuous Integration /Continuous Development, machine learning techniques for tabular/structured datasets, data formats such as JSON and Parquet) to solve standard business problems within the actuary’s area of practice.
S:LT:L3: Uses cutting-edge technology (e.g., deep learning libraries, computer vision systems, large language models or works with outputs therefrom, distributed compute [Spark], streaming or unstructured data and graphical databases) to transform actuarial processes and outcomes.
T:AN:L1: Applies statistical methods and actuarial methodologies in solving business problems.
T:AN:L2: Designs analytic steps to validate signals vs noises and provide justification for insights.
T:AN:L3: Asks questions to understand problems facing the business stakeholders and proposes an analytic framework.
T:IC:L1: Asks questions to understand context around the task given.
T:IC:L2: Engages in self-directed and collaborative learning to understand actuarial designs, methodologies, and theories.
T:IC:L3: Synthesizes insights and expertise across disciplines to expand the boundaries of actuarial work.
T:CO:L1: Considers the big picture of one’s work in the broader organizational and technical context.
T:CO:L2: Relates current business problems to and expands/builds upon past experiences or experiences of peers.
T:CO:L3: Applies knowledge of the complex dynamics at the corporate or industry level and how various business functions interact while cultivating collaboration to understand what to do in any given situation.
T:CR:L1: Applies formal training in a variety of business problems across different products/lines of businesses.
T:CR:L2: Designs effective solutions through in-depth understanding of business problems.
T:CR:L3: Predicts future problems, creates novel solutions, and demonstrates expertise in scenario planning and management.
T:IA:L1: Seeks to learn independently as well as from peers/supervisors.
T:IA:L2: Looks for opportunities to apply new knowledge in business context and to teach others.
T:IA:L3: Assesses capabilities of various business partners to leverage their strengths and influence their decision making to drive outcomes.
T:PR:L1: Understands and navigates professional situations where questions of ethics are present.
T:PR:L2: Engages in and helps guide decision-making processes where questions of ethics are present.
T:PR:L3: Models ethical behavior and is known as an ethical leader in one’s organization and the profession.
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