2025 Dominator's Breakaway Challenge
4/12 Saturday 
(11u-13u) Tournament  1:00pm-3:00pm
Adult (Recreational) Tournament  3pm-6pm
Adult (Competitive) Tournament  6pm-9pm
4/13 Sunday
(8u-10u) Tournament  11am-2pm
(14u-16u) Tournament  2pm-5pm
Spots are limited! Secure your Spot! In the Shootout tournament

Basic Information

Player Information

Player Position *
Please select your Division ( ALL GAMES @BUD BAKEWELL) *
(23 remaining)
(28 remaining)
(27 remaining)
(27 remaining)
(30 remaining)
Goalie Please select your Division ( ALL GAMES @BUD BAKEWELL) *

Payment Section

Optional: This event is FREE for Hasek's Heroes players to participate in! T-shirts and other merchandise will be available for purchase at the event. We would love your support! let us know if you're able to help
Thank you for your support! Please pick the Time Slots that works best for you to help! *
Spots are limited! Secure your Spot! In the Shootout tournament before its too late! *
Goalie Discount! Be The DOMINATOR! Spots are limited! Secure your Spot! In the Shootout tournament before its too late! *

Parent/Guardian & Participant Agreement

By submitting this form, I, the participant (or parent/guardian if under 18), acknowledge and accept the risks associated with hockey and release Hasek’s Heroes, event organizers, sponsors, and staff from any liability for injuries or damages incurred during the Dominator’s Breakaway Challenge. I authorize event staff to seek medical treatment in case of emergency and understand that I am responsible for any medical expenses. I agree to follow all event rules, display good sportsmanship, and understand that unsportsmanlike behavior may result in disqualification. I grant permission for photos and videos taken during the event to be used for promotional and marketing purposes. I acknowledge that spots are limited, and by registering, I am committed to attending if selected. *
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