2022 Indiana State Fair Pork Tent Sign Up
Only the group leader needs to complete this form. Shift 1 is from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Shift 2 is from 3:30 - 10:00 PM Payment is $300/shift or $750 if committing to an entire day (2 shifts). There is a $150 bonus for committing to staff a full day. Time may also be donated to Indiana Pork's Million Meals Program - a partnership with Feeding Indiana's Hungry to provide ground pork meals to food banks, or a charity of your choice. A total of 7 volunteers are needed per shift . Entry tickets will be provided (7 tickets per shift). Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age. By choosing a time you are committing to receive a contract from Indiana Pork outlining requirements and expectations. Tent assignment will be provided in June. Please indicate in the comment box if you want to receive payment or provide your time as a donation. Volunteers will receive an entry ticket, a hat and an apron as well as one free meal per shift and unlimited drinks. Contact Jeanette Merritt with questions at or 317-872-7500. Thank you!
Email Address
Who should the check be written to upon completion of duties? (If you are doing a charity of choice and don't know yet, leave this blank).
If relevant, please provide the name of the group.
Street *This address will be used to mail tickets*
Please choose the date(s) and shift(s) you would like to work. (If it says FULL next to it, please make another choice!)
Friday, July 29 (shift 1)(FULL)
Friday, July 29 (shift 2) FULL
Saturday , July 30 (shift 1) FULL
Saturday, July 30 (shift 2) FULL
Sunday, July 31 (shift 1) FULL
Sunday, July 31 (shift 2) FULL
Wednesday, August 3 (shift 1) FULL
Wednesday, August 3 (shift 2) FULL
Thursday, August 4 (shift 1)FULL
Thursday, August 4 (shift 2)FULL
Friday, August 5 (shift 1) (FULL)
Friday, August 5 (shift 2)
Saturday, August 6 (shift 1) FULL
Saturday, August 6 (shift 2) FULL
Sunday, August 7 (shift 1) (FULL)
Sunday, August 7 (shift 2) (FULL)
Wednesday, August 10 (shift 1) FULL
Wednesday, August 10 (shift 2) FULL
Thursday, August 11 (shift 1) FULL
Thursday, August 11 (shift 2)
Friday, August 12 (shift 1) FULL
Friday, August 12 (shift 2)
Saturday, August 13 (shift 1) FULL
Saturday, August 13 (shift 2) FULL
Sunday, August 14 (shift 1) FULL
Sunday, August 14 (shift 2) FULL
Wednesday, August 17 (shift 1) FULL
Wednesday, August 17 (shift 2) FULL
Thursday, August 18 (shift 1) (FULL)
Thursday, August 18 (shift 2)
Friday, August 19 (shift 1)FULL
Friday, August 19 (shift 2)FULL
Saturday, August 20 (shift 1) FULL
Saturday August 20 (shift 2) FULL
Sunday August 21 (shift 1) FULL
Sunday, August 21 (shift 2)FULL
Please tell us if you'd like to receive a check for your group, donate time toward the Million Meals program, or donate time toward the charity of your choice. Checks will be written and mailed upon completion of the fair.
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Indiana Pork Producers Association