Allergy & Dietary Restrictions Form

For Child Cares & Schools
Would you like more than one email to receive a confirmation?
Who is your RFRK client experience coordinator? *
What can we do for you today? *
What would you like to update for this child? (please check all that apply) *
Do you have any upcoming picnics?
Do you want us to ADD an extra portion to the picnics listed above to account for this new child?
Please note: Picnics can only be adjusted within 5 business days
Do you want us to REMOVE a portion from the picnics listed above to account for this child? Please note: Please note: Picnics can only be adjusted within 5 business days *
Note for Transfers: The child's AGE GROUP and DIETARY RESTRICTIONS from the original centre will be transferred as is to the new centre.
Please let us know how we can set up their days enrolled and meal type at the new centre:
 Centre Name
Child is leaving (i.e. remove child from this original centre):
Child is moving to (i.e. add child to this new centre):
Enrolled during these Days of the Week *
Meal Type Enrollment (select all that apply) *

Form Completed! Please click 'Next' to submit!