Student Employee Assessment Rubric

- To be conducted by the Supervisor at the end of each semester -

Thank you for participating in Eagle Path. This form contains a rubric which will help you measure the development of your student employees. This may be completed either annually (at the end of the Spring semester) or at the end of the Fall semester and again at the end of the Spring semester, for each student employee.  After you complete the form, you will be emailed a copy for your records. This information will be kept on file for a limited time for department review.  Once the form is completed, the results can be used as part of the Eagle Path "End of Semester/Academic Year" meeting with your student employee where you can share the results face to face and discuss their performance.


1) Sometimes having the student perform a self-assessment of their on-the-job performance is also helpful. It can aid in creating a dialogue with your student employee as part of your "End of Semester/End of Academic Year" meeting as you review the results of the “Eagle Path Student Employee Assessment Rubric”.  With that in mind, a sample of the questions in this rubric are linked in this pdf below. Please feel free to email the pdf to each student employee that’s being evaluated, in the hopes of comparing results and aiding with the discussion/evaluation process.

Optional: Student Employee Self Evaluation Form (Note: You must be logged into your BC Gmail account to access this)


2) You can't go back and edit the form once its submitted, which is OK, as the form only serves as a starting tool for the conversations with the student employees as part of their end of semester review.  If you have any edits or changes after the form has been submitted, you may choose to document those notes it in your own files as an addendum to this assessment form as you see fit.

3) If your department requires any customization of the Eagle Path End of Semester Assessment Rubric to better fit your department's needs, please email eaglepath@bc.edu and we will be happy to discuss ways we can help.

What department/area is conducting Eagle Path's end of semester Student Employee Assessment Rubric? *

Additional RTAC Instructions/Notes:

Please also refer to the "Eagle Path Student Employee Assessment Rubric for Robsham Theater Arts Center" in the RTAC Student Employee Manual when completing this form. 

If a student employee works multiple jobs within the department, it’s the responsibility of the RTAC Supervisor for each area to submit a separate review to assess the student employee's on the job performance for that area.

Once you complete the form and press "Submit", you'll be emailed a copy of the results for your records, which should be reviewed with the student employee directly during the "Student Employee Performance Review." The Director of the Robsham Theater Arts Center will be emailed a copy. 

Each RTAC supervisor must complete this form and meet with their student employees to review the outcomes by early December and again in April for all of his/her student staff.

If a student scores an “Unacceptable Rating” in any category, the Director should be notified as to why and a follow-up assessment will need to be scheduled by their RTAC Supervisor.

Please note that questions/feedback sections without a red asterisk are optional.

Step 1 of 3: Supervisor Information

This section is to capture the name of the supervisor of the student employee who is perfoming the evaluation. You will recieve of a copy of the completed rubric to share with the student. This is only for your departmental records.

Step 2 of 3: Student Employee Information

This section is to capture the name of the student employee who is being evaluated.

Please use the following options to best describes the student.  Please check only one.

Exceeds Expectations

Has demonstrated excellent skills and abilities in this area and has consistently demonstrated an extremely high level of competence in this area.

Meets Expectations

Has demonstrated skills and abilities in this area and has demonstrated a moderate or average level of competence in this area.

Needs Development

Has demonstrated some skills and abilities in this area and has demonstrated some level of competence in this area.  Could benefit from further training and/or supervision.


Has demonstrated unsatisfactory skills and abilities in this area and has demonstrated a below average level of competence in this area.

Please choose a minimum of 3 Eagle Path competencies that you are focusing on developing with the student employee being reviewed. These professional competencies are inspired from the National Association of Colleges and Employers' list of competencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. *
Critical Thinking:
Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information. *
Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization. *
Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.
Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.
Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals.
Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.
Career & Self Development:
Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization.
Equity & Inclusion:
Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures. Engage in anti-racist practices that actively challenge the systems, structures, and policies of racism.
Service to Others:
With an eye toward social justice, continually reflect on what the world needs you to be.  Apply your unique talents and skills gained while at Boston College to help address the world's most urgent problems.
BONUS RTAC Employee Assessment Category - Managing Difficult Situations:

BONUS RTAC Employee Assessment Category - Customer Service Skills:


Step 3 of 3: Summary

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Rehire Recommendation

Based on the student evaluation(s), this student is receiving the following recommendation for rehire. If the student is receiving a recommendation other than "Recommended for Rehire,” please provide additional notes.
ALL students must receive a response for rehire recommendation - even if the student is graduating and/or has no plans to return as a student employee next year.


If a student has any updates/comments they would like to add/contribute when you review the results with the student, they should email it to their supervisor and/or kier.byrnes@bc.edu. Kier will add that note to the student employee's record/file. Similarly, any feedback the supervisors get should be shared with the Director. 

Thank you for working with Eagle Path and completing this survey. If your department requires any customization of the Eagle Path End of Semester Assessment Rubric to better fit your department's needs, please email eaglepath@bc.edu and we will be happy to discuss ways we can help.
Similarly, if you have any questions or concerns about the Eagle Path program, or would like to get more involved in Eagle Path, please reach out to us at eaglepath@bc.edu. Thanks and have a great day.