Alumni Connection
Email Address
Graduation Year
Job Title
Alumni Testimonials
How did your management coursework prepare you for the professional world?
What tips or advice would you give to new, current, or prospective management students?
Are we allowed to share your advice as an 'alumni testimonial' for our webpage?
Yes, you can share my advice with students
No, I'd like to keep this answer confidential
Which of the following best describes your personal income last year?
Prefer not to answer
How much does your current job involve supervising or managing the work of others?
None or very little
Some, but less than half my time
More than half my time
Most of my time
Which of these did you find valuable or useful during your time in the UWL College of Business Administration?
The curriculum
The faculty
The facilities and technology
An internship
A student club or organization
The supportive learning environment
Guests and speakers
Networking opportunities with employers & experts
Tell us why your selections above were helpful or valuable to you:
Overall, how satisfied are you with your undergraduate education at UWL?
Very Satisfied
Generally Satisfied
Generally Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
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