FMCA's 109th Convention

Deschutes County Fairgrounds Redmond Oregon

Save & Return

Please register if another party processes payment and/or to save progress.

Power Needs

Important Dates:
July 24th Deadline for canceling with a refund.
To plug into our distribution, here is CES Power Common Plugs

Please enter in the total quantity of power needed.

Please note power will be at the back or side of your booth unless labor is ordered.

CES Labor can be provided on an hourly basis.
CES Power Labor Rates Monday-Friday 8-430 PM $115 Per Hour
All other times $225 Per Hour
Time starts from when tech is dispatched and stops when returns to service desk

Please enter the number of hours you would like to schedule

Paying by: 

CES Power LLC W9, click here CES Power W9 *
Please use your mouse or cursor to sign below on the line. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of CES Power Professional Services Agreement
CES Power Terms & Conditions *