LOA/Withdrawal Exit Interview

Dear Student,

The University uses the term leave of absense (for a given period of time) and withdraw (permanently) to formally indicate that a student has dropped or will drop all courses for a given term. Withdrawing or taking a leave from the university differs from dropping one or several classes within a given term, because as long as a student retains at least one class, they are still considered to be registered for that term.

A leave of absence or withdrawal is done in consultation with Dean Melanie Huff, who must approve all leaves. A statement will be added to your transcript indicating that you have taken a leave or have withdrawn from the University. Depending on the date of leave of absence or withdrawal, you may be entitled to some pro-rated refund of tuition. In most cases, ancillary fees will remain on your account, in addition to the $75 leave of absence/withdrawal fee charged to everyone.

Please note: A leave of absence is a temporary break in your studies; your return to the Journalism School is expected once the period of your leave has ended. Leaves when granted are normally granted for a minimum of one full calendar year, but may not extend longer than two years. A withdrawal is permanent; if you wish to return to the Journalism School, you must re-apply through the Office of Admissions.

* See refund rates based on date of leave of absence/withdrawal (applies even if you will be returning to Columbia in a later semester)

* See also Financial Consequences of Withdrawing (applies even if you will be returning to Columbia in a later semester)

Students who will be returning in a subsequent semester are put in Leave of Absence (LOA) status.

You must complete this form and answer the questions below in order to be granted a leave or a complete withdrawal from the Journalism School.  Answering these questions without completing this form is not sufficient.
Students who communicate with us that they will be leaving the school, or stop attending and fail to respond to calls and emails, and do not complete this form by the deadline they are given will automatically be withdrawn permanently from the Journalism School.

Thank you.




Is this a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal *
Are you a Federal Financial Aid recipient? *
Are you living in University housing? *
I have completed the Columbia Withdrawal & Leave of Absence Preliminary Review *

