2025 Season Schedule
May 10th, 2025 - October 4th, 2025 (Saturdays)
Excluding, July 5th, 2025 and August 30th, 2025

Business/Farm Information

Contact Information

After your application is submitted, the Easley Farmers Market will be contacting you about the status of your application and/or furthur information & documentation needed from you via e-mail.

Product Information

Type of Products (please select all that apply) *


Read the rules and regulations to see if the products you will be selling will need any permits/certifications. Failure to provide needed permits and certifications will result in not being accepted into the market.

Vendor Permits (must submit with application)

To be considered, you must submit all documentation with your application. See application for further information. This is your responsibility and the City of Easley does not aid in gaining any type of permit. A reference sheet for your convenience has been placed on the next page.

  • Vendors must be licensed to conduct business in the state of South Carolina. The state requires all vendors (including resellers), with the exception of farmers, to secure a SC retail license and post it at their booth each week for the entire season. Please see https://dor.sc.gov/tax/registration/faq for more information.
  • Vendors are responsible for their own taxes (including sales tax), necessary permits, inspections (food, agricultural & nursery plants), and license liabilities.
  • All vendors planning to sell any food product, please see the South Carolina Department of Agriculture’s Requirements for Selling Manufactured or Processed Foods at Farmers Markets.
  • Any vendors planning to only sell retail (meaning you are only selling directly to the end consumer) will now be covered under SCDHEC. Any vendors also planning to do wholesale (meaning you are selling to other stores/vendors) are still covered under SCDA.
  • Canned/jarred/bottled products require analysis by a recognized processing authority, Clemson University. Products must be produced in a permitted DHEC approved facility. The permit must be submitted to the market manager at application.
  • Non-amenable meat species (rabbit, quail, etc.) are under SCDA and require an RVC registration and inspection. This must be provided to the market manager at application.
  • Eggs: Requires an SCDA Egg License. Eggs must be washed, graded, sized, and properly labeled and refrigerated at 45 F or below at all times. A copy of your licensed is to be displayed at your table and a copy provided to the market manager at time of application.
  • Mushroom cultivation and processing are under SCDA guidelines.

Contact Clemson Food2Market for further information

You are able to submit up to 5 permits.

You are able to submit up to 5 certificates

Farmer Verfication Form
Easley Farmers Market Grower Verification Form (revize.com)
Craft/Artist Verification Form
Easley Farmers Market Craft:Artist Verification Form (revize.com)

Marketing Your Farm/Business

The Easley Farmers Market wants our Crafters/Farmers to be marketed in ads, social media posts, and any other branding material throughout the season. Please, include some good images of your products/farm below. This also helps us in the selection proccess to ensure we are not having multiple of the same type of products from other vendors being sold.
Please remember that the Easley Farmers Market does welcome wholesalers, or "Corporate Vendors", but we will not market any wholesale items out of respect of the 100% farmers/producer vendors we have.

Dates of Participation

For each market, there will only be a max of 40 vendors. Most decisions are made on a first come first serve basis, but some considertation is made for those who have been vendors before. 
Tents will not be provided this season.
Please select which market dates you would like to attend. *

Payments & Agreement

PLEASE NOTE: Payment for booth space at the Farmers Market are NOT DUE until the application has been proccessed and approved. You will recieve an email with your confirmation number and will be given the next steps to pay. 
Once you have recieved your confirmation number, you are then able to make your vendor booth payments. Pre-Paid Payments will be required to participate each week. You can call the Easley Parks and Recreation Department at (864) 855-7933 to give your card number via telephone or you can come in person to the Larry Bagwell Gym, located at 111 Walkers Way, to make your payment. 
You will need to advise the DATE of the Farmers Market date(s) you are wishing to pay for and attend.
Please be advised that tents will not be provided this season.
Crafter/Farmer Booth
10x10 Booth - $10.00
Season Pass - Only for those wanting to attend every Saturday
10x10 Booth - $175
My business/farm is applying for a booth space for the Easley Farmers Market and understand all of the information within this application, as well as in the rules and regulations. I understand that this is not a contract and this even is on first come, first served status. 

By signing below, you are agreeing to everything within the information packet.


  1. The Market Manager reserves the right to prohibit anyone from selling and/or refuse any product from being sold.
  2. The Market Manager reserves the right to refuse participation to vendors who do not comply with Market regulations or do not meet Market standards which include, but are not limited to, following all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
  3. The Market staff have the authority to move and reassign vendor space to enhance or facilitate Market operations and to limit the number vendors selling the same specialty products.
  4. Pets have always been welcomed at our market, please keep them on a leash and away from the food you are selling. Our market area is not their bathroom, so please walk them away from the market area. Food safety is of the utmost importance.
  5. Children must be supervised at the Market site at all times.
  6. The Market is not liable for any injury, theft, or damage to either the buyer or seller, or their property, arising from or pertaining to preparation for or participation in the market.
  7. The Market does not guarantee the marketability of the vendors’ goods the success of the vendors’ efforts.
  8. Each vendor operates as an individual entity and is responsible for setting his/her own prices. Clearly post your prices each week at your booth.
  9. Vendors are required to have a banner or sign with your business name clearly displayed each week.
  10. Spaces will be assigned on a first come-first served basis.
  11. If you are going to be absent from the market, please let the Market Manager know at least 48 hours in advance. If you have not arrived at the market by 8:30 your space can be assigned to someone else.
  12. By entering the Easley Farmers Market premises, attendees grant permission to the Easley Farmers Market and its authorized representatives to photograph or capture their image. This includes, but is not limited to, photographs, digital images, video recordings, and any other media capturing devices. Photographs or images captured may be used for promotional, marketing, or informational purposes related to the Easley Farmers Market. This may include, but is not limited to, social media, website content, printed materials, and other promotional materials. Participants acknowledge that they will not receive any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for the use of their image in promotional materials.
Signature *