ቀላልና ፈጣን የኢትዮጲያ ውክልና መጠየቂያ ፎርም
በመላው አለም ከኢትዮጲያ ውጪ ለሚኖሩ ኢትዮጲያውያንና ትውልደ ኢትዮጲያዊ
ሆነው ዜግነታቸውን ለቀየሩ የሚያገለግል!!
Ethiopian Power of Attorney Order Form -For All Ethiopians Living Outside of Ethiopia
Enter Requested Information and Payment Information
by Debit or Credit Card and be done !
We will prepare the power of attorney (wukilina) letter in both
Amharic and English and format it correctly so that it will be acceptable
by the Embassy of Ethiopia to be processed further and will email you both
Amharic and English versions as PDF attachments with further instructions within
24 to 48 hours (not including weekends and holidays) !  Hard copies will also be mailed out to you for your records
if you request it.  For customers in the United States, we also have the all inclusive option where we deal with all 
governmental agencies and complete the process on your behalf. 
የውክልናውን ደብዳቤ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ የኢትዮጲያ ኤምባሲ እንደሚቀበለው አድርገን እናዘጋጅልዎታለን
Only for Ethiopians or Persons of Ethiopian Origin residing outside of Ethiopia.
Service provided for all 50 states in the United States too!

ኢትዮጲያዊ ወይም ትውልደ ኢትዮጲያዊ ለሆኑ ከኢትዮጲያ ውጪ ለሚኖሩ ብቻ የሚሰጥ አግልግሎት። 
Please provide the requested information below fully and correctly to avoid delays in preparing the wukilina
ውክልና ዝግጅቱ እንዳይዘገይብዎ እባክዎ ከዚህ በታች የሚጠየቁትን ነገሮች በሙሉ እና በትክክል ይመልሱ
Please choose one option from the choices below. The first is the option of just preparing the wukilina in English and Amharic and sending/emailing it to you with instructions on further steps to be done by you to complete the process, which only costs $47.00. It will take is up to 2 working days to prepare the wukilina and email it to you. The second option is the COMPLETE SERVICE option where we not only prepare the wukilina in Amharic and English, but also deal with all appropriate governmental agencies and the Ethiopian embassy to complete the wukilina process--and send the completed document to you. Cost for this COMPLETE SERVICE is $267.00 IF YOU HAVE AN ETHIOPIAN PASSPORT OR AN ETHIOPIAN ORIGIN ID (COMMONLY KNOWN AS "YELLOW CARD") OR $297 IF YOU DON'T HAVE A VALID ETHIOPIAN PASSPORT OR ETHIOPIAN ORIGIN ID.. This process may take between 2 and 3 moths to complete since we have to deal with 3 governmental agencies including Embassy of Ethiopia and each agency has to authenticate and return the documents to us. You will receive the final completed version at your mailing address and you will have to mail/or send it to Ethiopia. Please choose which option fits your need from the choices below. (If paying by debit or credit card, please fill out information below. You an also pay by CashApp and if you choose this option, please email us at ethiopistravel@gmail.com to get our CashApp phone number to make the payment to.) *

Please use your mouse or finger (if using laptop or a smart phone) and sign in this box (must be the credit card holder) ፊርማ *
I, the person filling out this online form, confirm that the debit or credit card belongs to me and the information provided is true and correct. (Please check box below to confirm) *
Powered byFormsite
Ethiopis Travel will prepare the power of attorney in Amharic and English and email it to you within 24 hours with instructions on what the next step is.
ኢትዮጲስ የጉዞ ወኪል ውክልናውን በሀያ አራት ሰዓት ውስጥ አዘጋጅቶ ቀጥሎ ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብዎ ከሚያስረዳ ማስረጃ ጋር በኢሜይልዎ ይልካል።

Service provided by :
Ethiopis Travel Services. 9304 Forest Lane. Suite 231, Dallas, Texas 75243. Ph. 972-792-0236  www.ethiopis.com 
ኢትዮጲስ የጉዞ: የውክልና :የኢሚግሬሽን :የፓስፖርት: የታክስ እና ሌሎች አገልግሎቶች