Welcome to MYNA's Financial Assistance application! One of our primary focuses is that these programs and services are accessible to every youth. We also understand that filling a form may be a little daunting, so MYNA has created a loving and respectable process for all of our MYNA Families. Forms and data are deleted once processed as well.  We want this to be as personal and friendly a process as possible, so you can email Sr. Amal with any questions at
Before you begin, you will need your latest Tax return or proof of income/government assistance.  You will need to attach this item to the form, so please have it ready before beginning the application.
Selection Criteria:

The number of scholarships awarded is based on the level of contributions received each year. AS A GUIDELINE, Children whose families' financial status/yearly income is below the poverty line (see "income guidelines") in accordance with family size are selected to receive scholarship and financial help.  We also do our best to help those above the poverty line that are in need of assistance, so please apply! The amount of assistance will be determined on a case by case situation and is subject to availability of funds.  
The deadline for this application is 2 weeks before registration closes for any event.

Income Guidelines:

Below is the income chart used according to family size. Income is verified by a copy of your family's most recent tax return which you must attach below.

Number of Household Members 2 Yearly Income $20,440
Number of Household Members 3 Yearly Income $25,820
Number of Household Members 4 Yearly Income $31,200
Number of Household Members 5 Yearly Income $36,580
Number of Household Members 6 Yearly Income $41,490
Number of Household Members 7 Yearly Income $47,340
Number of Household Members 8 Yearly Income $52,720

For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5380 for each additional person.
**New Scholarship***: Dr. Haroon Rasheed MYNA Scholarship:
Are you a single parent, new immigrant, or refugee?  If so, please see the bottom of the application for a special scholarship that has been generously setup by Dr. Haroon Rasheed to increase accessability of these awesome MYNA events.  

Application Process:

1. Fill out the form below.
2. You must attach your latest tax return in the form, these documents and will be destroyed after review.
3. You must click on the CONFIRM button on the last page even though the total is $0.  Otherwise we will not get the form.
4. Do not register for the event until you hear if your form is approved.
5. If your form is approved you will get an email with a "Sponsorship Code" that you can use in the registration form.
6.  Then you may go and register for the MYNA Event(s) you applied for.  Simply type the code you were provided in the "Sponsor Code" box, just below the Parent contact info and the price will be reflected at the end of the form.
Your application is not considered complete until ALL forms & documents are received.
1 - MYNA has a 2 strike policy at camp. If campers fail to uphold MYNA’s code of conduct and adhere to camp rules and regulations despite multiple warnings from camp staff, parents will be asked to pick up their youth and pay back up to 75% of the sponsored financial assistance. This money is an Amanah (trust), and as such, MYNA must do it’s best to distribute it to campers who will benefit the most.

2 - Please report ALL income honestly as it is an Amanah (trust) on MYNA to distribute this financial assistance to the most needy. This includes income that may not be reported on tax documents.

Save & Return

Use an account to return to saved work.

Parent/ Guardian Information

Relationship to Registrant *

Household Information

Event Details

Which event are you applying for & How much can you afford?

We here at MYNA want to make our events accessible for ALL Youth. No person knows your finances better than yourself and we understand that circumstances outside your tax return may be affecting your finances, so we ask that you help us out by letting us know what you can afford for your child(ren). Let us know how much you can pay per registrant.  And Please note that the cost of some of our events are well above the price that we charge each registrant so we cannot offer a discount, we offer sponsorships to those in need so that no youth is turned away.  
Please select the events that you are applying for then please let us know how much you can truly afford to pay for each youth to come to that event.
Event *
Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) 
P.O. Box 38 
Plainfield, IN 46168