Kinder Works
*The Family Registration/Renewal Fee of $85 is due 1 week after your enrollment is confirmed, and is non-refundable.  You will receive an email when you are confirmed.  You may pay by check or auto-bank debit.  [For families enrolling in our Preschool Program after March 1st, 2020, the $85 Family Registration Fee will cover both the current school year in which you are enrolling and the new school year of 2020-21.]
*Tuition is expressed as weekly rates, and is collected in 10 installments, on the 15th of each month from August thru May.  [Tuition payments are derived by multiplying weekly rates X 42 (weeks of school) and dividing by 10 (for 10 equal payments) rounded to the nearest dollar.  This keeps our payment process simple, so we can focus on your children!]
*If you enroll after the beginning of the school year, you must make one full tuition payment (by your first day of attendance); then tuition will be prorated for weeks of attendance, rounded to the nearest dollar.
*Summer Camp is a separate registration (10 weeks, buy by the week), so you can get 52 weeks of service and you don't pay when you're on your summer vacations!
*There is a 10% discount for a sibling enrolled concurrently, and a 20% discount for a second sibling when 3 children are enrolled concurrently (discounts taken off the lesser tuition), rounded to the nearest dollar.
Services to be provided as part of the tuition fee: child care, early childhood education, snacks, diapers, wipes, child service reports/developmental profiles
Extra services to be provided at an additional fee: none
Application/Agreement  ~  2019 - 2020 School Year

Adults to Whom Child Can be Released (Other than Parent)


Please consider your choices carefully.  We have limited openings for each schedule option.
Program: 9AM - 4PM, includes extended hours 7AM - 6PM

AM is 9AM-Noon          PM is 1PM-4PM          Extended hours are 7AM-Noon or 1PM-6PM
AM or PM
with extended hours

AM or PM
with extended hours

(*Please note: We will contact
you to confirm your schedule and
start date, or to discuss 2nd choice/
waiting list options.)

It is hereby agreed that tuition shall be paid to Kinder Works by the 15th of each month (August thru May) for the childcare services schedule indicated above, pursuant to the Tuition Schedule, as confirmed by a Kinder Works representative (you will receive a confirmation email).  The non-refundable $85 Family Registration/Renewal fee is due 1 week after enrollment is confirmed. I agree to adhere to the Parents' Handbook.
I hereby acknowledge that below is my signature, and agree to transact business with Kinder Works via electronic means, and from here forward that my 'electronic signature' is valid and binding for as long as my child is enrolled.
Please enter your full name, which serves as your electronic signature:
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