-Award applications must be registered and submitted electronically by Wednesday, April 15, 2025.
-Applications must be submitted using this form in PDF. No other format will be accepted.
-Electronic signatures are NOT required for state-level grading. The submission of the application on this site will count as the advisor's approval of the application.
-Please enter a separate registration for each award application. For example, if you have a member with two proficiency awards and your chapter is submitting a Livestock Exhibition Award, you should submit a separate registration form for each application (you would submit three registrations). This is necessary for our office to properly sort them by chapter and category prior to review day.
-For each registration, please spell the chapters' and members' names exactly as you want them to appear on the certificate, and make sure to capitalize their names. This helps Ms. Michelle when she transfers the data onto the certificates.
-If you are submitting a Livestock or Equine Exhibition Award, please enter "N/A" in the blanks for member's first and last names and select "N/A" for member's grade.
-For each registration, click on the category and select the appropriate award area from the drop down menu.