Louisiana FFA Area Nominating Committee Application
Application closes on May 1, 2025.
FFA Member ID #
FFA Chapter
Upcoming Grade Level
Area I
Area II
Area III
Area IV
Your Email Address
Advisor's Email Address
Your Cell Phone
Number of Years Enrolled in Agriscience (Including This Year)
Do you require any special accommodations for educational, physical, medical, food allergies, or other reasons?
Explain any accommodations you require. Be prepared to submit any documentation if requested.
List all FFA offices held on the local and area levels. Simply list the office, level, and year. If you are listing more than one office, please list them on separate lines.
List all FFA leadership activities attended. List the activity and the year(s). If you are listing more than one activity, please list them on separate lines.
List all awards and recognition. List the title of the award and the year. If you are listing more than one award, please list them on separate lines.
List activities other than the FFA. List the title of the activity and the year(s). If you are listing more than one, please list them on separate lines.
In 300 words or less, describe you Supervised Agricultural Experience Program. Include the size, scope, and supporting evidence.
0/300 words
Briefly, why do you want to serve on the Area FFA Nominating Committee?
I hereby submit this application for Area Nominating Committee in the Louisiana FFA Association. The information included in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. As a potential member of the Area Nominating Committee, I will complete all trainings required by the Louisiana FFA Office and be in attendance at the Area Officer selection during the State FFA Convention.