Age Group *
Grade in the Fall of 2023 *
Parent/Guardian Info:
MVVC Payment

Fall Sand Payment:

Fall Sand Program Refund Policy - Please Read!

All refund requests must be made in writing -- send an Email to lake@mvvclub.com. Please state your player's full name and the reason for the refund request. No refunds will be given after the start date of Aug 28th, 2023. Any requests before the start date there will be a $25 cancellation fee.

MVVC believes in giving every player, that desires to play volleyball, the opportunity to play. We cannot continue to do this without the help of our many families who have contributed to our financial aid fund. We greatly appreciate any help.
Would you like to contribute to our Financial Aid Program? *
Select Sand Program you registered for.
Drop-in Sand Practices/How many?
Current Total: