NC Yorkie Rescue: Foster Application

Is anyone living in this home a smoker? *

Your Home

Do you own or rent? *
Do you live in a: *
Do you have a fenced yard? *
Type of Fence
Is fence secured to home?
Is fence base buried (to prevent tunneling)?

Pet Owner History

0/500 characters

Foster Dog Environment

Have you ever fostered an animal before? *
0/500 characters
Have you ever owned a Yorkie? *
Is everyone in your home agreeable to fostering a Yorkie? *
Where will the foster dog stay when alone in your home? *
Where will the foster dog sleep at night while staying in your home? *
If you must leave town (e.g. vacation, business, emergency) what will you do with the foster dog? *
How far are you willing to drive to pick up a foster dog? *
0/500 characters
I prefer to foster a: *
I prefer to foster a: *
Would you foster a special needs dog? *
Would you provide respite care to a terminal dog? *
0/500 characters
NC Yorkie Rescue Inc. will provide all available information on the temperament and health of your foster Yorkie. In some cases, the dog's complete health history is not known. Do you accept this and agree to work with us? *

Personal References

Fostering Terms of Agreement

I understand and agree that:
1. The dog is the legal property of NC Yorkie Rescue Inc.
2. I am offering my home as a temporary shelter for a dog in the care of NC Yorkie Rescue Inc.
3. If I do not wish to continue to foster the dog that is placed with me, I must contact a NCYR Board member immediately to arrange the return of the foster dog to a NC Yorkie Rescue Inc representative.
4. Food, toys and travel expenses associated with a foster dog will not be reimbursed and are considered a donation to NC Yorkie Rescue Inc., a non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3).
5. NC Yorkie Rescue Inc is responsible for finding the foster dog a permanent home. However, I will make the dog available to visit with an approved adopter at a mutually convenient time.
6.  If the foster dog needs to be medically examined or treated, the visit/expense must be approved in advance by a NCYR Board member and will normally occur at one of our rescue-friendly vets.
7. Random Home Checks may occur both prior to and during fostering. If a Home Check reveals falsification or misrepresentation of any facts on my part, I acknowledge that NC Yorkie Rescue, Inc. reserves the right to either refuse fostering, to nullify any agreement between us and reclaim said Yorkshire terrier from my premises, without reimbursement of the fostering expenses.
8. My failure to follow the foster policies and procedures of NC Yorkie Rescue Inc. will cause me to relinquish the dog and will prohibit me from fostering a dog with NC Yorkie Rescue Inc. in the future.

I declare that
1.  I am physically and financially able to properly feed and care for a rescue dog; specifically, a Yorkshire Terrier.
2. While I am a volunteer with NCYR Inc, I will not belong to or volunteer for any other Yorkshire Terrier "Yorkie" Rescue group, as it is a conflict of interest to do so. 
3. I will provide automotive and health insurance, and hold NC Yorkie Rescue, Inc. its officers, members, volunteers, associates, or other foster care providers harmless for any liabilities, whether damages are physical, emotional, or property, that are a direct or indirect result of activities associated with placement, transport, grooming, training, or evaluating of any Yorkshire Terrier or other dog in any way associated with NC Yorkie Rescue, Inc., including any and all activities I perform as a volunteer for NC Yorkie Rescue, Inc.

4. The information I have provided in this application is complete and correct.

5. I have read the NC YORKIE RESCUE, Inc “Code of Ethics” and understand and agree with its contents and will abide by them. I further understand that a Volunteer Coordinator will contact me regarding my acceptance.
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