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Bride's First Name/Last Name
Bride's Street Address
Bride's City/State/Zip Code
Bride's Phone Number
Bride's Email Address
Groom's First Name/Last Name
Groom's Street Address
Groom's City/State/Zip Code
Groom's Phone Number
Groom's Email Address
Dates and Times
Wedding Date
Wedding Time
Rehearsal Date
Rehearsal Time
Wedding Participants
Priest/Deacon Presider Name
Father of the Bride
Mother of the Bride
Father of the Groom
Mother of the Groom
Grandfather of the Bride (if attending)
Grandmother of the Bride (if attending)
Grandfather of the Groom (if attending)
Grandmother of the Groom (if attending)
Maid/Matron of Honor Name:
Please select the appropriate title:
Maid of Honor
Matron of Honor
Maid/Matron of Honor #2
Maid of Honor #2
Matron of Honor #2
Best Man
Best Man #2
Bridesmaids - List in the order that the bridesmaids will process into the wedding.
Please only list FIRST NAME LAST NAME. Do not include any additional text such as relationship, notes, etc.
Groomsmen - List in the order that the groomsmen will process into the wedding.
Please only list FIRST NAME LAST NAME. Do not include any additional text such as relationship, notes, etc.
Flower girl(s) List in order that they will process into the wedding.
Ring bearer(s) List in order that they will process into the wedding
First Reading - Reader Name
Second Reading - Reader Name
Prayer of the Faithful - Reader Name
Gift Bearers
Extraordinary Ministers (Eucharistic Ministers)
Are there any other participants?
For the seating of the parents/grandparents, who will participate in the seating and who will be escorting? Please place in order of procession