INSTRUCTIONS: There are a wide variety of opportunities to serve the local church body, the community, and our Lord. Check the appropriate boxes below to learn more about specific opportunities in those particular categories. You may select more than one box.  If you wish to inquire, check the box of the ministry you are interested in and click "submit" at the bottom of the page.  You can place comments or questions for these ministries at the bottom of the page as well.
Serving categories (choose one or more box)

Evangelism & Outreach

Many opportunities to serve in planning, preparing
Commitment: once a year
Point Person: Terri Bettinger
Mission Focus lunches, mission trips
Commitment: as needed
Point Person: Nancy Bassett
Commitment: as needed
Point Person: Nancy Bassett
Lansing City Rescue Mission, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Christian Services
Commitment: as needed
Point Person: Kelly Sites
Various meetings occur with a prayer focus
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Pastor Tim Van Loh


Welcome Team

to help welcome church attenders at the doors on Sunday
morning with an encouraging, friendly manner.

Commitment: as needed on Sundays
Point Person: Kelly Sites
to help welcome and direct newcomers at the Welcome Desk on Sunday
morning with an encouraging, friendly manner.

Commitment: as needed on Sundays
Point Person: Kelly Sites
to serve the congregation during Sunday Balanced Services
Commitment: Sunday mornings as needed
Point Person: Dale Wilson

to serve the congregation during Sunday Creative Service
Commitment: Sunday mornings as needed
Point Person
: Tim Sneed

to set up, prepare and clean up the coffee and tea service for church attenders
on Sunday morning in the concourse

Commitment: as needed on Sundays
Point Person: Denver Moye
to prepare and serve meals and various church events
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Becky Piper
to serve a meal or to make a dish for grieving family members and friends
during funeral services

Commitment: as needed
Point Person: Terri Bettinger
to serve meals to those attending South Church activities on Wednesday nights
Commitment: any Wed. Afternoon/evening Sept. through May
Point Person: Becky Piper
click here for more info
to perpare and serve meals to those attending Senior Adult activities
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Terri Bettinger
to deliver posters to surrounding community vendors
for purpose of publicizing key church events

Commitment: weekdays as needed
Point Person: Terri Bettinger

Trades & Labor

to maintain the landscaping around the entire church grounds
Commitment: seasonal as needed
Point Person:
Trevor Harrison
to maintain inside decor around the church especially in the concourse
Commitment: as needed
Point Person:
Corb Felgenhour
to construct sets for church productions
Commitment: as needed
Point Person: Pastor
Corb Felgenhour
to care for widows, elderly, and others who need help
with a home project that they cannot do themselves

Commitment: as needed per project
Point Person: Rick White

click here for more info

Care & Compassion

to serve the needs of those that are physically impaired during church services
Commitment: Sunday mornings as needed
Point Person: Terri Bettinger

to visit those that are considered "shut-ins" and the hospitalized
Commitment: ~1 visit/mo
Point Person: Kelly Sites

to be available to help those with financial needs
Commitment: as needed
Point Person:
Pastor Doug Phillips

Teaching & Mentoring

through running Bible studies, recovery assistance, ministry of helps,
fellowship and event preparations, etc.

Commitment: varies
Point Person: Pastor Tim Van Loh
Serving through Bible studies, events, as leaders and childcare for Refresh
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Becky Phillips
to teach and/or mentor students in the college group
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Pastor Travis Parks
working with younger couples to strengthen marriages through mentoring
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Keith Sova


to assist with library duties
Commitment: weekly and/or occassionally during Sunday services
Point Person: David Anderson
click here for more info

to answer phones and perform light office tasks in the church office
Commitment: weekdays as needed
Point Person: Terri Bettinger
to assist volunteers with copying materials in the office
Commitment: weekly before church services
Point Person: Terri Bettinger

Kids & Students

to teach and/or assist children during Sunday morning classes
Commitment: Monthly/varied on Sundays
Point Person: Callie Risch
to teach and/or assist children during Sunday AM classes
Commitment: varies / Sunday
Point Person: Kathy Risch or Steph Atchison
click here for more info
to teach and/or assist children during AWANA nights
Commitment: varies / Wednesday eve.
Point Person: Kathy Risch
click here for more info
to teach and/or assist children during VBS in the Summer
Commitment: During one week
Point Person: Kathy Risch or Steph Atchison
to teach and/or mentor students during Student Ministry activities
Commitment: varies / Sunday and/or youth nights
Point Person: Pastor Nick Nagy or Pastor Joel Wayner
click here for more info

Music & Technology

to assist with audio reinforcement, lighting,
and/or video projection during church services

Commitment: on Sundays as needed
Point Person:
Ethan Simpson
to assist with audio reinforcement, lighting,
and/or video projection during special events

Commitment: as needed
Point Person:
Ethan Simpson
to assist with duplication of CD sermons and services
Commitment: on Sundays as needed
Point Person:
Ethan Simpson
to enhance worship services through singing in the South Church choir or on the vocal teams.
Commitment: Choir Sept.-June; Wednesday eve. & most Sunday mornings
Point Person: Pastor Corb Felgenhour
click here for more info
to enhance worship services through playing an instrument during Sunday services
Commitment: as needed Sunday mornings and weeknight rehearsals
Point Person: Pastor Corb Felgenhour
click here for more info


Let us know
Commitment: varies
Point Person: Kelly Sites