Create your own Seder traditions!  Signing up for a DYO Seder gives you the following resources:
  • A filled Seder Plate, box of Matzah, a dessert, maror (bitter herbs) and grape juice
  • Paper goods, a disposable tablecloth and utensils
  • Haggadot to borrow from Hillel (credit card security deposit required)
  • $8 subsidy per person for food OR a catered, kosher meal from 613 Catering in St. Louis
  • Learn the ins & outs of leading a Seder at a DYO Seder Workshop (you or a representative must attend a workshop, dates listed below)
Requirements for subsidy:
  • Attend one of the Seder Leader Workshops
  • Submit photos from set up or your seder
  • Post table tents at your Seder, provided by Hillel, indicating our sponsorship
  • Fill out our survey, upload receipts, photos, & a list of your attendees by April 25
  • Return borrowed Haggadot to Hillel by Friday, April 25  (If you do not return borrowed Haggadot by this time, your credit card will be charged for the value of full replacement of the books)
Whether you choose a subsidy or the catered option, pickup will be on
Friday, April 11 | 12pm-4pm @ HILLEL
(If this time frame doesn't work for you, please reach out to Hannah for alternate scheduling)

If you order the catered option for a larger number of guests, please make sure you have adequate transportation for your supplies and meals.
Are you hosting on *
I will attend the Seder Leader Workshop on: *
WORKSHOP NOTE: If you cannot attend either session, please make every effort to send someone in your place. If that is also not possible, please reach out to Rabbi Jordan ASAP at
I would like *
That's all we need from you right now!  Please remember to keep your receipts for purchases made for your Seder dinner (please note we cannot cover the cost of alcohol.)  Plates, utensils, cups, and napkins will all be provided, so no need to buy those supplies on your own!
If you are choosing the catered meal, please note you will need to heat your food!
For your catered meal, please enter how many of each of these you will need. (The total number of meals indicated should match the total number of guests indicated above!)
 Number of meals needed
No restrictions
Gluten Free
Allergies - please indicate what allergies and how many meals
That's all we need from you right now! We'll send an email reminder for your Workshop Session, and we'll be in touch to make sure we provide you with the correct supplies based on final guest count.
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