● Tisch - Every Thursday night, the community comes together to sing Jewish songs, share Torah ideas, reflect on the week, and get into the Shabbos mood.
● Melava Malka - Melava Malkas are another great opportunity to spend time with friends after Shabbat. Our Melava Malkas feature pizza bagels and other assorted snacks along with Jewish music and various shenanigans.
● Kiddush - Kiddush is the perfect opportunity to relax between davening and Shabbat lunch with some delicious snacks. Nothing hits like a Schnucks M&M cookie and some Pub Mix on a Shabbat morning.
● Learning – Between learning after Shacharit and Bagey Time every morning and the various learning opportunities offered by students and JLIC, JSA members have ample access to spaces to develop their Jewish connection.
● Social events
○ Big events (Cardinals/Blues game, ice skating…)
○ Smaller events (bowling, town hall, mini-golf…)
● Holiday celebrations (Simchat Torah/Hanukkah/Purim)
● FBB Formal - The name is a nod to a longstanding JSA tradition—having a community formal in a Jewish apartment building called FBB. Excitingly, we’ve far outgrown that space and now rent out professional venues to host our much anticipated semesterly formal.
● Friday Night Jarty (Jewish party) - Jarties are one of the central components of the Jewish community. These relaxing, post-shabbat dinner hangouts at an upperclassman’s home are a great way to hang out with friends, read THE SHTICK (the JSA’s weekly newsletter), play games and enjoy Shabbat with the entire community. If you'd like to contribute to the Jarty Fund specifically, you can Venmo @thejartyfund2425.