The Richard J. Stelzer Starter Stipend provides outstanding graduating seniors with a bit of extra support as they move into their post-graduate life. The Stipend, made possible by a generous gift from Richard J. Stelzer, A&S '71, was created to help students headed into a media-related career meet some of the financial challenges they could face as they start their journey on their professional path.
The Stipend is intended only for outstanding graduating seniors who participated in student media at Vanderbilt. Applicants will be evaluated by the story they tell, how they express themselves, the clarity of their vision, and by demonstrated financial need. The Stipend's purpose is to fund early career activities of graduating seniors who are on and/or eligible for need-based financial aid.
Winner(s) will receive a cash prize. Award amount is variable, depending on market fluctuations and other factors. Last year, this award was $3,000.