VP HOA Survey

Completion time online is approximately 5 minutes

The following questions will help the VPHOA board better serve you, the homeowner, and the Communication Committee better understand what is important to you and our community. This survey can be completed by the principal homeowner and can also be filled out by the secondary owner

How long have you been a resident of Victoria Park?
In which community do you live? 
For statistical purposes, please indicate which most closely describes you
What is your age category?
Select from the following the main reasons for living in Victoria Park (select all that apply)
In terms of developments, changes, happenings, etc., in Victoria Park, which do you feel? 
Approximately how many VP Homeowners Association meetings do you attend (in person or via Zoom) per year?
What is your opinion of the current level of communications by Southwest Management/VP HOA?
I would like to be more informed on (check all that apply): 
How BEST should VP HOA communication be shared with you?
Do you have an email account, and if so, how often do you check it?
Are you currently receiving emails from the Southwest and/or VPHOA?
When I am seeking information or have a question about Victoria Park, I am most likely to (select as appropriate):

The VPHOA Communications Committee
Gregory Carroll

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